AUTOMATION SERVICES for solar companies

Reduce your operating expenses and increase your bottom line

We help you automate your labour intensive tasks by opening a bridge between all the software you're using to run your business.

Graphical depiction of interconnected websites and software
Renewable Energy World
Pylon Observer
Energy Source and Distribution
Victorian Cleantech Cluster
Renew Economy
Eastern Innovation
Solar Calculator
Top Property
Solar Proof
Graphical depiction of copying and pasting customer data from a CRM to excel spreadsheet

You feel like human errors are slowing your business down

Human errors happen. But you find yourself spending too much time fixing them up.

You feel like your time is better spent elsewhere.

Manual data entry is disengaging your employees

You feel like your employees have the potential to contribute more than just hours entering and transferring data.

Graphical depiction of excel spreadsheet with customer data
3 website designs by Creative Nurds stacked on top of eachother

Can’t take any time off from your business?

You’re working day and night to make sure your business is running smoothly.

You can’t seem to take a break and wonder if you can start automating your tasks.

Save time by working with a solar specialist

Together, we can concentrate on automation solutions for your business, rather than spending our time trying to understand the difference between string inverters and microinverters.

EIS Solutions
We Wire Solar
Evergreen Electrical
Jet Solar
Formosa Electrics
All about solar
Sunscape Solar
Beam Solar
Urban Renewables
Generate Energy
One team Energy
Go Sunny
Graphical depiction of an increasing profits line and decreasing expenses line graph

Decrease costs by reducing human labour

It’s either yourself or you’re paying a sales person to copy info from email to your solar design software, or from solar quotes to your CRM. 

Why pay a human when you can get software that will do all that for you at a fraction of the price?

Improved customer experience by having access to the most up to date information

No longer do you have to scramble around to find a customer's address or what solar system you have installed for them.

You'll be able to find all of this information in a single location, and give your customers a seamless experience.

Graphical depiction of a solar CRM
Graphical depiction of an employee and warning triangle sign, hourglass, question mark and security lock symbol floating around

Reduce risk and severity of human error

Human error is inevitable and can lead to flaws in your business operations. By automating your team’s workflow, you’re able to catch and fix errors quickly.

Even the most non-tech savvy users can update images and add content.

Increase your proposal conversion rate with a customised solar proposal

Watch your conversion rates skyrocket with a solar proposal that differentiates your company from others.

Two solar proposals and an increasing arrow sign
Graphical depiction of a boarding pass on an iPhone, and floating symbol of the globe and an airplane around the image

Finally allow yourself to take a break

With more software automation, the less you have on your plate. You can relax at night knowing your business is operating smoothly.

Here's what you'll get from our
FREE 30 min Solar Strategy Session

A graphical depiction of a Solar Installer award

Get clarity on your solar business processes

Find out where your bottlenecks are, why they’re happening, and how much it’s costing you.

Find out how automations can help save your company thousands of dollars

Employees can be expensive, inefficient and error prone. Find out how having all your leads, customers, designs and invoices can flow from one place to another without human intervention.

Have ZERO obligations

You can take away all the information and tips you get from us in our 30 min Strategy Session with NO obligations attached.

We guarantee to slash your sales and operational expenses by 50%.

What you get

Audit of your CRM process

Get insight into how you can take your CRM process to the next level. See where you can start to automate tasks and allow your business to run smoothly.

Help you connect to Solarquotes

We'll help you automate the process. No more copying and pasting customer information across platforms.

Free eBook

Learn the top mistakes OTHER solar companies make with their website. We’ll teach you what NOT to do, and you may increase your solar installations by 5-10%.

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What you'll be paying


What are you waiting for?

Take your solar company to the next level.

We can show you how to get there. Get in touch with us today to book in your FREE 30 min Strategy Session.